How to charge Mobile phone without Charger / Electricity

Hello guys this is Satish ,

And today i m with my first blog , which is about how can you charge mobile whenever electricity is not available .

for video tutorial you can visit my youtube channel  ...
link is given below

So let's start today''s topic.
There are much more chances of , going electircity when your mobile phone doesn't having charging.
so you doesn't have any source to charge your phone but today i m with a solution for that .
Now you can charge your mobile phone through your friend's mobile phone .
Yes now it is possible to charge your own mobile phone with friend's mobile phone .
          For that purpose you need 
1. USB Cable
3.Friend's Mobile phone
That's it.
The procedure is , Firstly Connect OTG With USB Cable Then  connect One end of OTG to Friend's Mobile phone and Connect USB cable to your own mobile phone 
Just check Charging will going on.

So i hope u enjoying , For more updates visit my youtube channel , link is given below


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